Elizabeth Moran Transformation and my book, FORWARD: Leading your Team through Change, emerged from my belief that transformation, while painful at times, doesn't have to be complicated. Leveraging the best of neuroscience and change methodology, I help leaders and organizations navigate and evolve through constant change in the simplest way possible. As a consultant and executive coach, I have successfully partnered with leaders from Fortune 500 companies to technology start-ups, in organizations tackling enterprise wide change to smaller transformation projects at the business unit and team level.
Prior to starting Elizabeth Moran Transformation, I was the Vice President of Global Leader, Team and Organization Development at ADP, and have also supported successful leaders, teams and transformations at Bloomberg, Lehman Brothers, Getty Images, Time Inc. and Gap, Inc. In addition to my experience in technology, fintech, financial services, publishing and retail, I have worked with leaders and teams in the professional services, pharmaceutical, energy, government and non-profit sectors.
My learning journey includes masters and doctoral degrees in clinical psychology, a PCC-level coaching certification with the International Coaching Federation, a Strengths-Based Coaching certification from the Marcus Buckingham Company and certification as a Neuro-Transformational Coach, using a practical application of neuroscience in my work with leaders.
My ability to support others in being their best is only possible because I am willing to challenge and grow myself. Relentless curiosity and the belief that deeper understanding leads to greater inner and outer freedom helps me continually question, reflect, celebrate and evolve, especially when I'm feeling fear or pain. I believe in our ability to be at peace no matter the external conditions and will always do my best to create healing, joy and greater possibility for all people.