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forward change leadership

“Elizabeth's FORWARD approach is a must-have for any change work you’re doing...we implemented a simple plan to train our leaders & measure our results to focus our energy where it was needed, when it was needed.”

M.S. Division Vice President, Technology & Software Solutions

FORWARD Change Leadership works



Keep it Simple FORWARD Change Leadership was developed in the real-world with business leaders like you - smart and fast-moving - without a lot of extra time and resources. Together, we pared down traditional "Change Management" to the few essential actions that make it easier for leaders and teams to implement the change.  


Grounded in Neuroscience People are complex when it comes to change. We're hardwired to learn and grow on the one hand, while on the other, changes trigger our threat response. FORWARD leadership development works with these natural brain functions, highlighting five of the most relevant concepts leaders can leverage, taking actions that create faster team buy-in.


Resistance is Normal Leaders waste time and energy responding to resistance as a problem. FORWARD helps them shift to a curious mindset,  normalizing team resistance and then preparing them to respond to the toughest questions and reactions they might encounter. By providing simple conversation guides, leaders can respond more effectively and confidently, making it more likely that team members will buy in vs. continue to resist the change.



FORWARd focuses on three areas crucial for your change to succeed: 

1. change planning Checklist

We'll review Four Actions to Kick-Start a new change or Reset a change that's underperforming:

  1. Scoping the change effort

  2. Creating a one-page change message

  3. Creating a communication plan

  4. Defining success measures​



  • Change Scope Review

  • 5 Question Change Message 

  • Communication Plan Template



  • Better alignment & execution on future state goals

  • Clarity on change impact for business and people: Measures identified up front

  • Early resource planning, including anticipating obstacles & integration with other changes underway​

2. team leader development

We'll provide in-person or virtual development so your leaders understand the change and how best to lead their teams to increase change adoption:

  1. Our Brains & Change Training helps leaders understand the change, their role, and specific actions to overcome resistance. 

  2. Practical Change Leadership is a scalable, technology-enabled learning simulation using real-life scenarios to practice change leadership.​​



  • The FORWARD Book

  • Team Conversation guides & resources for leaders



  • Powerful, candid conversations to equip leaders with information & resources to lead effectively 

  • Clarity on effective vs. ineffective actions as a change leader

  • Reduced anxiety and greater confidence managing tough employee questions and emotional reactions​

3. measuring 

We'll define & track how strongly your employees are buying-in to the change (adoption):

Timely pulse feedback to assess the success of change leadership actions taken, plus data to focus additional actions to get even stronger change adoption.



  • 3P's Pulse Survey

  • After-Action Review



  • Employee feedback collected to assess & diagnose change leadership impact

  • Faster response to issues/concerns that would otherwise block progress

  • Data-driven metrics that focus change leadership actions for maximum benefit

See the IMpact

Positive Client Results from The 3 P's Pulse Survey Measuring Employee Change Adoption
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Additional Client Data:​
  • Employee Engagement up by 27% over same 3 quarters​
  • Client Loyalty (NPS) also up 52% over the same period

Elizabeth’s approach to leading teams and organizations through change has finally achieved what the numerous articles, books and workshops on change management have not – results! . . . Having structured, yet open and collaborative conversations about the benefits and challenges of our change is a powerful differentiator of Elizabeth’s approach which helped us get buy-in sooner than we had with previous changes. In fact, while we use the change leadership practices on our own, Elizabeth continues to be a trusted coach and advisor when the speed and amount of change becomes overwhelming. She helps me and my team remember where we are strong and how to use our talent and skill to meet any transformation challenge.

- C.R. Vice President, Professional Services Fortune 500

Following the acquisition of our company by a much larger entity, "change management" became the amorphous buzzword of the moment, eliciting aggressive head-nods and "yes, very important" endorsements. But until Elizabeth arrived with a clear process that produced a plan for our evolution, not much had happened... Elizabeth helped our leaders think about the critical aspects of their messaging and communication and helped all of us organize and chunk the work into manageable action steps: a communication plan; coaching and development sessions for leaders to actually lead the change and a simple way to get feedback from our employees along the way... Heavily versed in the neuroscience and human behavioral aspects of change adoption, she translated the science into an easily understood, intuitive approach for me and my leadership team. Our evolution was very successful, thanks to Elizabeth's manageable, hands-on approach.

- G.M. Business Unit President, FinTech

Ready to Develop Stronger Change Leaders?


Connect through email, LinkedIn or Schedule a call to talk about leadership development solutions.

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